Do Men and Women Need to Train Differently?
Friday, 31 January 2025
When you think of typical gym stereotypes the thoughts that usually form in your head are men lifting heavy weights and women focusing on yoga or pilates style workouts. However, there is no such thing as a “mens workout” or “womens workout” and nothing should stop you doing what works for you. Everyone can benefit from variety in their exercise regime.
It’s important to try not to worry about what other people think or feel any shame about doing an exercise that might fall outside of a stereotype, the only thing that matters is doing exercises that feel good for you and benefit your body.
Who’s to say that women can’t look bad-ass lifting heavy weights or practicing calisthenics and men can’t find their zen in a yoga class? No-one, there’s no limit to what you can do!

Similarities between men and women
Weight Training – Both women and men can benefit from lifting weights. Women can be put off by the thought of getting “bulky” but this isn’t the case, men build muscle in the way they do to the amount of testosterone in their body.
Glute Training – Squats and leg day workouts are usually associated with women looking to tone that part of their body. Men tend to skip these type of exercises but they can highly benefit from them. Adding a leg day into your workout routine will ensure a ‘well rounded’ exercise plan.
Differences between men and women
Muscle make up – There are two types of muscle fibres, slow-twitch and fast-twitch. Fast-twitch fibres contract quickly, do not use oxygen well and get tired quickly and are used in activities such as sprinting and weightlifting. Slow-twitch fibres contract slowly, optimise oxygen use and do not tire over longer periods of time and are used in endurance exercises like running a marathon. The muscle make up of each type of fibre for men and women varies depending on the type of exercise that person does. The type of exercise you do affects the way your muscles develop and can change over time depending on changes in your workout regime.
Rest times – Research shows that women recover quicker after a bout of exercise. How does this look in practice? Men are suited to longer and slower high-intensity sets allowing them time to rest between each. Whereas women can thrive doing circuits of 3-5 exercises with minimal rest time. If you’re working out with a partner or friend this is something to consider to make sure you’re both getting the best out of your workout.

Nutrition matters
Good nutrition goes hand in hand with exercising and eating the right foods will make sure you have enough energy to perform to your best, recover well and reduce the risk of injury.
The most important areas to focus on are:
Carbohydrates provide energy and fuel the body. As well as aiding a good workout the right intake of carbohydrates helps with recovery too. The amount of carbohydrates you need to consume will vary depending on the type, frequency and intensity of the exercise you’re doing. Make sure to research the carbohydrate intake you need dependant on the exercises you do or plan to.
Protein is a trending topic currently, with supermarkets and brands launching lots of protein packed products. Do you need to be buying them though? Looking at is as a whole, probably not, most people are consuming the right amount of protein and there is no need to majorly increase the intake. There is a myth that a high protein diet alone will cause an increase in muscle mass but it’s important to balance this with the right amount of carbohydrates to ensure maximum energy. An additional consideration is that a high protein diet can cause excess weight gain due to the calorie content of this type of food.
It’s essential to stay hydrated day to day but even more so when exercising. When you sweat from exercise you lose water and salt through the skin which needs to be regained through drinking. Although water is usually the first thing we reach for when thinking of staying hydrated, sports energy drinks are a really good option too as they contain electrolytes which replace the salt you lose from sweating.
It’s also paramount to wear the right gymwear. Breathable gymwear makes sure you’re not sweating any more than you should be. At I Am Me our pieces are designed with you in mind, using only the highest quality breathable and sweat wicking materials so that you can be on your A game every day.

Break the gender bias
You no longer need to be restrained by the workouts or exercises society tells you are suitable for you. Step out of your comfort zone and throw yourself into something new, however that looks for you. It could be something you’ve always wanted to try but held back or something you’ve seen someone else do and wondered if you could too, if you never try you’ll never know.