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How to Break Bad Habits - Strategies for Lasting Change Tuesday, 28 January 2025


Did you start 2025 with a New Years resolution? This is probably to break one of your habits from the year prior or to make a new habit. Or do you have a habit that is holding you back in your life? Within this blog we’ll talk about what a habit is and break it down so that tackling bad habits and building positive ones is more attainable.

Understanding the power of habits:

We often think of a habit in a negative light, something we want to control but often do not know how or where to start. A habit is a routine of behaviour that is repetitive and is usually subconscious. Not all habits are ‘bad’ however we generally reflect on habits negatively because they are things we’re ashamed of doing or feel guilty for. We do not always give ourselves credit for the ‘positive’ habits that we have formed over the years.

The truth is a habit is broken down into a simple process:


For example –

You feel thirsty – you want a glass of water – you drink a glass of water – you feel hydrated.

You want to start working out – you decide you need some gym leggings – you order your pair of I am me leggings – you have a stunning new pair of leggings to wear to the gym.

A habit is simple when you break down the decision-making process. Many habits, such as turning the light on in a dark room, are automated in the sense that your brain has made the decision in seconds. Habits are cemented when your decision has been made over and over again, now your brain associates the que with a certain reward.

Due to these neural pathways, trying to break a ‘bad’ habit can be hard work. Depending on how long you have had this habit and what it Is. Therefore, you will need patience self-awareness and strategies in place to aid your habit reforming.


Identify the root cause:

Try to analyse when you indulge in your habit, track the patterns of behaviour or triggers that que your craving. Consider which emotions are involved, this plays a massive part in how you change your response.

Half of the work is recognising what triggers you to perform the habit. You need to come to terms with the habit and accept that it’s something you do, rather than be too hard on yourself as this mentality can push you further towards negative behaviour.  If you snack on unhealthy food throughout the day, replace that with a healthier alternative. Trying to stop all together you will revert to your old ways as it feels more work than it’s worth.


Set Small, Achievable Goals:

People often build habits to soothe themselves after experiencing stress or difficult emotion. Reducing the habit slowly rather than cold turkey quitting is often more effective as well as sustainable.

Quitting a habit no matter how small can be very overwhelming, ensuring you celebrate the small milestones will motivate you to continue your journey. Confide in a family member or friend to share your thoughts and feelings. This can help motivate you to continue bettering yourself. Family members may also have their own habits that they want to change too and you can do this together.


Positive Habits To Reinforce:

Starting your day off right is a massive part of making sure you get off on the right foot. People often are rushing around all day every day, whether that is at work or getting to appointments. This naturally will increase your stress hormone, cortisol, having a knock on effect to your mentality when it comes to breaking your habit cycles.

Try implementing a positive action where your negative behaviour would usually kick in. It is much easier said than done right! But making sure your foundations are positive allows you to feel stable in your decision making throughout the day ahead. Wake up in the morning and stretch or have a glass of water (without scrolling on your phone) even if it is just for 5 minutes and in bed. It is a step in the right direction. 1% better every day means you will gain confidence in your ability to combat ‘bad’ habits.


At I Am Me we are a community; our clothes bring together likeminded people who care. Everyone is on their own journey and we see that, we hear that.