An Introduction to HYROX
HYROX is a fitness race that comprises of 8 kilometres of running and 8 functional workout stations, where participants alternate between running and completing functional exercises. Races take part in over 11 countries across the world however no matter where you compete the race elements remain the same.
Find out more about HYROX racing from an athletes perspective in our exclusive interview with Emily Atkins (emilyjadefit on Instagram) further down.
The eight functional exercises are:
1. SkiErg – A piece of exercise equipment that mimics the movements of doing cross country skiing, this exercise is done in a standing position pulling down two handles
2. 50 meter sled push – This involves pushing a weighted sled forward in front of you
3. 50 meters of sled pull – Similar to the previous station but this time you’re required to pull a weighted sled using a rope
4. 80 meters of burpee broad jumps – You may of heard of burpees but what is a burpee broad jump? It’s a standard burpee followed by a two footed distance jump
5. 1 kilometer of rowing – This exercise is completed on a rowing machine
6. 200 meters of kettlebell farmer carry – Carrying a kettlebell in each hand for the required distance
7. 100 meters of sandbag walking lunge – Is lunging with a weighted sandbag across your shoulders for the required distance
8. 100 of wall ball – Throwing a weighted ball to hit a target 100 times
The weights and settings for each division and exercise are outlined in the rulebook found on the HYROX website - https://hyroxuk.com/rulebook/.
The race is open for anyone over the age of 16 to enter and is split into different racing categories. To find out which category is right for you can complete a questionnaire on the HYROX website or perform the HYROX Physical Fitness Test (P’F”T) – more information on this can be found on their website.
One of the most unique and inclusive elements of HYROX racing that stands out to us is that there are no time limits and no qualification requirements. HYROX encourages anyone to race regardless of fitness level. It’s also a place where there is no fear or worry about finishing last, as different race divisions start every 10 minutes, therefore the fastest and slowest athlete could finish at the same time!
What to wear for a race
HYROX races always take place inside, eliminating the issue of dressing for unpredictable weather conditions. It’s an intense form of physical exercise though, so you need to make sure you wear something that allows you to comfortably push yourself your limits without restrictions.
Our range of gym wear is created from functional, high-quality materials and designed with performance in mind. Explore the range.

Interview with Emily Atkins
For this blog we’ve collaborated with Emily Atkins (emilyjadefit on Instagram), an incredible HYROX athlete. She takes us through how she started, what her training looks like, her motivations and more!
Read more to find out more about HYROX racing from the perspective of a competitor.

How did you get into HYROX?
"I became a coach at F45 and was introduced to the world of Hybrid / Functional fitness after only focussing on bodybuilding for years. Hyrox was a new sport at the time, but the other coaches took part and I was inspired to switch up my training and try it out. I found I had got caught up in aesthetics more than I would have liked, so felt that Hyrox and performance training would be a good switch up for me! I signed up with a friend and was completely hooked after my first female doubles race!"
What do you enjoy about HYROX?
"The way that it makes me feel! There is no sense of achievement like crossing that finish line and that first race made me feel a type of way I never had before! It provides an unbelievable sense of achievement and shows you that you can do anything you put your mind to! As someone who was never into sport, it showed me that I was capable!"
What does your training regime look like?
"It’s a real mix! But most weeks I have 2x runs (1 easy heart rate session, one tempo or interval), a Hyrox engine session and then 3 strength sessions (upper, lower & full body)."
What do you think it takes to become a HYROX competitor?
"The beauty of Hyrox is that anyone truly can compete - a 90 year old did one a few months ago! However I would say that you do need discipline to stick to the training and mental resilience to get through the race. I think the mental battle is arguably harder than the physical aspect of it."
What motivated you to pursue HYROX?
"I was hooked after the first race. The motivation is only ever the feeling I get at the end of it. I stay in my own lane when it comes to comparison and competition. It’s me vs me always and so I am motivated by the high of racing as opposed to anything else."
What are your future HYROX goals?
"To continue competing and hopefully achieve a sub 70 min solo race! Mainly though, to enjoy the sport and community that Hyrox has achieved!"
How did you find your first race?
"It was SO hard. Challenging, exciting, thrilling, shocking. I went into it pretty untrained when it came to running. Back then, there was no real plans or guidance on the training so we really did wing it (which I don’t recommend!). But the feeling after was amazing and made me forget about how hard it really was!"

Do you have any tips for a beginner looking to enter their first race?
"Identify your main weakness between either strength or running and work on it. For me, running was the main issue so I did a half marathon training block to improve my running and aerobic capacity which helped me to train better for Hyrox. People often think Hyrox is just crazy, ball to the wall sessions and it really isn’t - this is where people go wrong and end up burnt out / hating the training!
Avoid the pressure of social media and don’t set yourself a time goal or high expectations as you have no idea how you will react in the environment and you don’t want to be disappointed after achieving something amazing. So just go in there, do your best and set the benchmark for yourself to then go into your next training block!"
What would your message be to your younger self?
"You are absolutely capable of everything you want to achieve, you just need to believe that you can do it. I was always of the opinion that I wasn’t this, or wasn’t that. Since competing in Hyrox I have really learnt that I can do the unexpected things that I never thought I would!"
Are you confident and if so, where does your self-confidence come from?
"I think I am an extroverted, introvert. I can stand up in front of people and speak all day - it doesn’t phase me in the slightest! But inwards, I do think I lack confidence in my abilities and I am a serious home bird. I have no idea where my confidence comes from, I think I just have always loved a bit of the limelight to be honest - I’m sure my family would agree! However I have definitely improved my self-belief through doing things I didn’t think I could - such as Hyrox and Half Marathons. Every single time I complete a race, achieve a time or show up for a training session I really don’t want to, I improve my self-belief and year on year my self-confidence has really grown!"